Keys To Reduce Belly Fat

In our body everything is connected so, even if we only want to lose a few inches in the waist, it is necessary to work the muscle groups together.

There are different areas on the body where it is more difficult to reduce fat than others. For example, this is the case for the hip and abdomen. The propensity to accumulate adipose tissue in these places usually responds to a genetic component.

For this reason, if you want to have a healthy body without “love handles” you have to be prepared to invest time, work and exercise. But you can do it!

The keys to reducing stubborn fat

Essential nutrients in food 

First of all, you must have a balanced diet and a daily exercise routine. None by itself is going to give you the results you need.

  • We recommend foods that contain vitamin C and antioxidants. For example, nuts, legumes, green tea.
  • You should also avoid consuming foods rich in trans fats as much as possible, these have been shown to worsen health in the medium term.
  • Limit your intake of foods and drinks that contain sugar as much as you can.

Beware of miracle products

Finally, we must also take into account all the supposed miracle products that surround us. These promise us to reduce fat without any effort, more than the expense itself.

There is a wide variety of dietary products on the market, some may be good, others not so much. But be clear that one of these products is not going to do the miracle of losing weight and reducing fat by itself. The only effective thing is to improve your diet and exercise.

For this reason we are going to share with you tips that you can apply in your daily routine. This way you can reduce fat in your hips and abdomen effectively.

Good habits

Woman jogs in the city.

Run, walk and bike

Walking, running and cycling. These three exercises not only benefit your body. They also help you clear your mind and reduce stress.

So, by working the legs, the hips are also benefiting. So try to walk every day, at least from your home to work, or go for a bike ride with your family.

Also try to do interval activities, as these are related to effective weight loss.

Work other areas

You are wrong if you think that only the abdomen should be worked to reduce the fat that accumulates there. All muscle groups need to be worked.

In this way we accelerate the metabolism and it responds with agility. In this way we ensure that the food we consume is used to provide the nutrients that the body needs. And, incidentally, prevent them from going to the hips and abdomen.

Keep in mind that exercise is essential in order to achieve weight loss, according to a study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases . Strength work is very effective in this regard.

Practice yoga

Keys To Reduce Belly Fat

Like running, walking and cycling, yoga connects the body and mind. And this is much more important to reduce fat than we might imagine.

This balance causes a greater sense of peace and comfort. In addition, yoga strengthens the body, improves posture and makes you see in a more symmetrical and feminine way.

Basic exercises to try to reduce fat

Here are some exercises you can do to reduce fat. However, these are simply tips that may not work for you. That is why we recommend you go to a specialist who can guide you.


  • Standing, get into a position so that your legs are apart from each other, bend your knees and touch the ground with your hands.
  • Then, get up gently and bring all your weight towards your left leg, bend your right knee and take your shin with your hand.
  • Stay like this for a few minutes, return to your starting position and now perform the same exercise by shifting the weight to the other leg.
  • Repeat it at least 20 times, it can be in 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

Leg raises

  • Kneel on the ground and support your hands.
  • Then, lift one leg and stretch it out as far as possible, so that it is in a straight line with your torso.
  • Support only with your hands, making the body stand firm in the air.
  • Stay in this position as long as you resist.
  • Return to the starting position and rest for a few seconds.
  • Now do the same with the other leg.
  • Perform two or three sets of 10 times on each leg.


  • Lying on the floor on your back, raise one leg and trace circles in the air.
  • Do it slowly and gently. First in the right direction and then left.
  • Do it for 30 seconds, rest a few seconds and switch legs. You can do two or three series.

    Ula ula

    The ula ula is not just a fun game for children. In addition to being an entertaining activity, it can help you easily exercise your hips.

    Try again and again until you can already keep the ring on your waist for 10 to 15 minutes. Do it every day so that you have more agility achieving greater effectiveness.


    • This exercise is a classic that we can do even in bed when getting up or going to bed.
    • Lying on the floor on your back, you raise your legs forming an angle of 90ยบ.
    • Keep one leg up and the other down.
    • Do it at least 50 times.

    Do not forget!

    It does not hurt to remind you that even if you want to lose fat in your hips and abdomen, it is important that you exercise each of the parts of the body. Remember that you must be constant to do legs, buttocks, arms, among others.

    We hope you liked these brief recommendations, that you improve your diet and establish a daily exercise routine. Practice a sport that catches your attention, be it swimming, basketball, tennis, etc.

    In short, what your body needs is that you keep it constantly active. In this way, you will not only be able to reduce the fat that resists the most. You will also improve health.

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