Mangoes Improve Brain Function And Digestion

Mango is a delicious, appetizing fruit that can be eaten in a thousand different ways and also provides countless benefits to the body.

Mangoes are one of the richest fruits that exist. In fact, they provide a large amount of antioxidants, such as: isoquercitrin, quercetin fisetin, astragalin, methyl and gallic gallate. In addition, they have a high content of fiber, beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, E and K.

Together, all these essential compounds actively fight the action of free radicals and thus help prevent oxidative damage in cells, as well as chronic diseases.

It is estimated that, worldwide, there are about 1000 varieties. Although most have similar properties, shapes and flavors.

This fruit is very popular not only because of its good taste, but because it can be easily adapted to various preparations: from drinks to desserts. Hence, many consider that the mango is “The king of fruits.”

Benefits of consuming mangoes

When you eat this fruit on a regular basis, you get several benefits for the body. Next, we will tell you which ones they are so that you do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

1. They regulate digestion and are a natural laxative

Beware of laxatives

Consuming mangoes can help regulate digestive processes and facilitate the elimination of waste. This is due to the activity of its enzymes, whose action supports food processing to properly absorb nutrients and push waste through the digestive tract. This is shown by this study.

For this reason, this fruit is included in the first positions of the wide catalog of natural laxatives. And, unlike the commercial ones, it does not produce side effects.

2. Improve brain function

Mangoes contain an amino acid called glutamine, which plays an important role in rapidly dividing cells, such as those of the immune system and the intestines.

This nutrient is not only good for improving mood, but also positively influences all brain functions, including memory. But how is such a thing possible?

When glutamine is converted to glutamic acid it is transported to the brain, it is considered that this substance promotes detoxification of the brain and prevents the deterioration of brain function. Hence, glutamine also acts as a “fuel” for the brain.

3. They help regulate blood pressure


Due to their significant contribution of potassium, mangoes can also improve the function and efficiency of the muscles and the heart rate. This mineral is essential for adequate blood pressure, so ingesting this fruit can help keep it under control.

In addition, they also provide magnesium, another mineral that contributes to good heart and muscle health in general.

4. Good for visual health

Visual health also benefits from the consumption of this fruit. Its high contribution of vitamin A makes it have a positive impact on vision. This vitamin is essential to maintain good eyesight and prevent eye conditions such as night blindness, cataracts or macular degeneration, among others.

In addition, the flavonoids it contains in good quantities are also essential for healthy vision.

One cup of sliced ​​ripe mangoes is estimated to provide up to 25% of your daily vitamin A needs.

Do you include mangoes frequently in your diet? As you have just discovered, it is a fruit with surprising benefits for your health. Enjoy them alone or including them in desserts, cakes, smoothies or whatever recipes you prefer.


As we have seen, the mango is one of the fruits that we should take advantage of often. Both its peeling and its meat are rich in essential nutrients and, depending on the way of preparation, we can take advantage of one or the other to a greater or lesser extent.

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