More Toned Arms With 5 Exercises At Home

With the right exercises, you can perfectly improve the appearance and functionality of the arms and upper body in general, even training at home. Know some alternatives and keys.

To have more toned arms, it is not absolutely necessary to maintain an intensive routine in the gym. Although machines are useful to achieve good results, there are also exercises that you can do at home that help you reach the goal.

This routine breaks the excuse of not having time, since it only requires a few minutes and can be practiced in any space. In addition, it is very beneficial to reduce muscle tension, especially when there are ailments due to stress or physical overload.

On this occasion, we want to share in detail 5 good options for you to start working on that desired aspect. Do not forget that you must supplement them with a good diet to reduce fat accumulation and increase muscle.

Exercises to have more toned arms without leaving home

Exercising the muscles of the arms allows you to combat that unsightly flaccidity that is acquired over the years. Although there are multiple factors that affect its development, adopting a training helps to preserve its elasticity and firmness, as stated in a study published by the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of Mexico .

Before starting, keep in mind that the series and repetitions that we propose are those recommended by an article in the magazine Strength Training (2008) to increase the mass of the muscles, but they may vary according to your physical condition. The same happens with the rest between series: it is recommended that it be between 2 and 5 minutes.

1. Triceps extension

Triceps extension for more toned arms

The triceps extension is a must-have when you’re looking to have more toned arms. Although at first it is a bit difficult to do it, with a little practice it can be mastered.

The ideal is to do it with dumbbells, or with some homemade weights — with jars or bottles and sand, for example. The technique is as follows:

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • From this position, bring your arms behind your head, holding the dumbbells in each hand.
  • Then stretch your arms up — to full elbow length — and draw them back.
  • Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

2. Triceps fundus

Triceps dip For more toned arms

With the tricep dips, you can work the muscles of the shoulders, arms and back. Therefore, they are perfect for achieving a more toned appearance of the entire upper body. All you need is a firm surface, like a bench.

  • First, turn your back to the bench or chosen surface and lean on it with your hands.
  • Extend your legs and bend your knees a little.
  • Now, using only your arms to exert force, bend your elbows and lower your hips until they are almost touching the ground. As you begin, you can do a minor push-up until you gain more strength.
  • Return to the starting position by fully extending your arms and do 10 repetitions in this way. Complete 3 or 4 sets.

3. Lateral shoulder raise

Lateral shoulder raise for more toned arms

For more toned arms, you can do these lateral shoulder raises using weights. Remember that if you don’t have dumbbells, you can use homemade alternatives, but without overdoing the weight. Make sure that each one is about 2 or 3 kilos.

  • Stand up straight, with your hands at your sides and your knees slightly bent.
  • Then, grab a weight with each hand.
  • With your arms stretched out all the way, do lateral raises until your elbows are at shoulder level.
  • Go down with a slow movement, without letting yourself fall.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 or 12 reps.

4. Push-ups on the wall for more toned arms

Push-ups against the wall for more toned arms

As a study published by Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise indicates , push-ups are an exercise that strengthens the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulders, depending on the variant that is performed.

If you have a hard time doing the classic push-ups, then try this wall-supported variation. The technique is very simple:

  • First, stand in front of a wall and extend your hands in front of you so that you can rest them on the surface.
  • Then, with your feet shoulder-width apart, stand on your toes.
  • Next, stick to the wall flexing your arms.
  • Keep your torso straight during the exercise by contracting your abdomen and chest and take a deep breath.
  • Return to the starting position by extending your arms and pushing with your pecs.
  • Perform 3 sets of 12 reps.

5. Curl biceps

Bicep curls will help you have more toned arms

Considered the classic of exercises for the upper body, the bicep curl is a good option for more toned arms. This movement effectively works the muscles and helps fight sagging.

  • First, stand with your back straight, feet apart, and knees slightly bent.
  • Take a weight with each hand and, without detaching your elbows from your body, do a push-up, bringing your wrists closer to your shoulders.
  • Then descend in a controlled manner, with a slow movement. Make sure your arms are well extended.
  • Repeat the movement to complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Good habits will produce more toned arms

In closing, it should be remembered that these activities are not “miracle” and do not change overnight. If you want to achieve satisfactory results, you will have to be consistent with your practice.

Also, take into account the power factor. To shed fat and build lean mass, special planning may be necessary; some professionals recommend, for example, increasing your protein intake.

However, we recommend you see a nutritionist to indicate the nutrients your body needs. It will be a fundamental help for your goals!

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