Reduce The Levels Of Sugar, Cholesterol And Uric Acid With Artichoke

In addition to promoting weight loss, artichoke water can help us improve our liver health, so it is very beneficial for those who have problems with this organ.

The artichoke, also known in some parts of the world as artichoke, is a vegetable with a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances. It has always been valued medicinally, since it is one of the most complete foods from a nutritional point of view.

It is proven that it makes a significant contribution of fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and, to a lesser extent, essential fatty acids.

Due to this, in recent years its consumption has increased in many parts of the world, especially because it works as a supplement to the diet of those who want to lose weight.

It also has benefits as a natural cleanser and its consumption facilitates the elimination of those substances that alter the functioning of the main organs of the body. On this occasion we want to share its  effects on health and how to prepare it in water to make the most of it.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Lowers blood sugar levels

One of the components that stand out in this vegetable is inulin, a carbohydrate that is metabolized slowly in the body, favoring the transformation of sugar into energy.

Control cholesterol

Its high content of fiber, vitamin C and phytosterols helps reduce bad cholesterol levels, while increasing good cholesterol. On the other hand, it contains cynarin, a substance that stimulates bile secretion to facilitate the digestion of fats and prevent them from accumulating in the body.

It also provides flavonoids, whose anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Promotes the elimination of uric acid

Caffeic and linoleic acids help reduce purine levels in the blood, which improves circulation and facilitates the elimination of uric acid. It also acts as a powerful diuretic, since it eliminates retained fluids in the tissues and reduces the symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as gout and arthritis.

Artichoke improves liver health

By contributing to the dissolution of fats, artichokes serve to protect the liver and improve its function. In fact, they are recommended for people who suffer from cirrhosis or who have a severely affected liver.

The consumption of its water favors its recovery and provides essential nutrients so that it is restored as soon as possible.

It is digestive

It is digestive

For its significant contribution of fiber, artichoke water also improves digestion. Its consumption supports the proper absorption of nutrients and serves to soothe common discomforts such as bloating and heartburn.

It improves bowel movement to combat constipation and, although it sounds counterintuitive, it is also a great remedy to combat diarrhea.

How to prepare artichoke water?

How to prepare artichoke water

Although this food can be included in several recipes, one of the most recommended ways to take it is by preparing a natural drink. This allows to preserve a large part of its properties and the best thing is that it contains very few calories.

The important thing is to know how to choose healthy artichokes, paying attention to the size, the buds and the leaves, which must be well defined and green in color.


  • 3 medium artichokes.
  • 1 liter of water.


  • Wash the artichokes well, cut the ends of the stem and trim it.
  • Next, take it to a pot with the liter of water and let it boil for 15 minutes.
  • After the recommended time, remove it and let it rest covered.

Consumption mode

  • Have a glass of the drink before breakfast and lunch.
  • Take it for at least three weeks in a row.
  • You can take it hot or cold.
  • In the refrigerator it can last up to a week.

To consider!

  • People suffering from hypersensitivity should be very careful when ingesting this water.
  • It is not recommended for those who have an obstruction or gallstones.
  • It should not be ingested in excess, because it leads to the production of gas or flatulence.
  • If you are taking medications, it is better to consult your doctor to rule out possible unfavorable reactions.

By including this water in the diet, under the given recommendations, it can help improve health and weight. Of course, it should be remembered that its effects are not immediate and are only obtained when consumed for several days in a row and on a regular basis.

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