Reduce Your Belly With This Pineapple, Cucumber, Celery, Ginger And Lemon Juice

You can consume the following drink in moderation, within a balanced diet, to promote the elimination of retained fluids and reduce inflammation abdominal.

There are several preparations with the label: Reduce your belly! that can be a good supplement to the diet and a suitable substitute for the drinks and little (or not at all) healthy foods that you tend to snack when you have anxiety to eat.

Among those preparations, are the delicious juices, smoothies and mixed smoothies . In addition to helping to hydrate the body, they satisfy the appetite and, in a way, also help to reduce the belly.

Next we will present the recipe for a pineapple, cucumber, celery, ginger and lemon juice. An extremely refreshing and delicious combination, suitable for any time of the year.

The belly, a headache

The belly is the headache of hundreds of people around the world. Not only does it prevent you from looking good, but it also prevents you from feeling 100% health-wise. Therefore, it is not surprising that many strive to reduce it.

The belly appears as a result of bad life habits, especially sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, rich in refined flours, saturated fats, sugars and others.

Reduce your belly for your health, not just your physique.

But getting down to work isn’t always easy. Many find it difficult to find the motivation and willpower to ‘start’ with a plan that allows them to improve their lifestyle and say goodbye to the belly.

Although it costs a bit at first, it is important not to delay the matter and, even little by little, get down to work. For this, it is possible to consult with the doctor some strategies or, failing that, a nutritionist.

You can start by making a few substitutions. Instead of drinking cola with your meals, you can try preparing a delicious natural juice at home.

The following proposal is a mixture of ingredients with a high percentage of water, which have a diuretic effect and therefore help reduce inflammation of the abdomen and eliminate retained fluids. 

Pineapple, cucumber, celery, ginger and lemon juice

Ingredients such as pineapple, cucumber and celery are famous for having a high water content and, therefore, a diuretic effect that facilitates the elimination of fluids that accumulate in the body and that generally influence weight gain. .

Ginger and lemon have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation throughout the digestive system, while fighting the most common problems such as:

  • The gases.
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal distention.
  • The heaviness of the stomach, etc.

Why does this juice help reduce belly?

The moderate consumption of this drink can help you hydrate the body, supplement a balanced diet, avoid the consumption of soft drinks and industrial drinks and, in addition, reduce inflammation of the abdominal area.

It wouldn’t help you lose your belly as such, but it would help deflate the area a bit, which can motivate you to keep moving forward.

You can also consume this same drink at those times when you want to snack on pastries, chips, snacks and the like, but always in moderation.

Reduce your belly with this mixed juice

Reduce Your Belly With This Pineapple, Cucumber, Celery, Ginger And Lemon Juice


  • 1 lemon
  • ½ cucumber
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • ¼ green apple
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of chopped pineapple (77 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of ginger (5 g)
  • Optional: 1 sprig of fresh mint.


  • Peel the cucumber and cut it into several pieces. Wash the celery and the other ingredients very well and put them in the blender, except for the lemon.
  • Process all the ingredients until you get a smooth drink, then add the juice of a lemon.
  • As a decorative touch, you can add the sprig of fresh mint.


  • Under no circumstances should you substitute any main food for this juice, as this can cause decompensation.
    • Remember that if your goal is to lose weight, the key is to maintain good habits, not deprive yourself of eating or base your diet on the consumption of a specific preparation.
  • You should consume these types of drinks in moderation. Drink a maximum of two glasses a day.


Reduce your belly by maintaining healthy habits

If you really want to say goodbye to your belly, in addition to drinking this juice that we have recommended, you should try to adopt (and maintain!) Good lifestyle habits. Consult with a nutritionist what may be the best diet for you, what you should avoid and other related aspects.

On the other hand, it will be essential that you exercise regularly so that, in addition to losing your belly, you tone and work your body. This will not only help you to look good, but to feel good, gain strength, endurance, etc.

If one type of dance catches your eye, go for it. If it is a sport, the same. The important thing is that you choose an activity that you like ; and if you don’t find any at the beginning, then you can start by walking.

Reduce your belly from today with this juice and adopting good lifestyle habits! Don’t wait another day! Your health asks you now!

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