Remedy To Treat Clogged Arteries And Inflammation

Having clogged arteries raises your risk for various health problems. For this reason, health experts recommend that patients with arterial blockages improve their lifestyle and not only in terms of diet. It will also be essential that they permanently abandon sedentary lifestyle.

It is essential that they adopt a series of good lifestyle habits in order to improve their quality of life and progressively reduce the risk of complications. Of course, medical follow-up will be key throughout the process.

According to experts from the Texas Heart Institute “when too much plaque builds up inside an artery, it becomes clogged and blood flow slows or stops. The decrease in blood flow can cause ‘ischemia’, that is, an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body’s cells ”.

In order to make the diagnosis, doctors will need to perform an ultrasound or ultrasound of the patient and an arteriogram.

And how are clogged arteries treated? When the blockage is not severe, it can be controlled by improving eating habits, losing weight, exercising daily, and eliminating tobacco and alcohol use. 

When severe, balloon angioplasty or a procedure called peripheral vascular bypass may be necessary .

To avoid reaching that point, health experts indicate that the best measure will always be prevention. 

Prevent clogged arteries and inflammation naturally

What is angina pectoris?

The problem appears when the arteries suffer a deficit in their circulation and there is a drop in oxygen in the blood flow.

Atherosclerosis is one of the most common ailments in the population, triggering heart attacks, arrhythmias, angina pectoris and many heart failure. It occurs when what we know as plaque builds up inside the arteries that supply the heart.

This plaque is a combination of cholesterol, fatty compounds, calcium, and a clotting substance called fibrin. Hard or soft plaque can build up, but both inflame the arteries and can cause clots. In fact, if hard plaque builds up, blood flow to the heart is reduced. In this way, less oxygen arrives, which can cause a heart attack.

It is important to establish regular reviews with the doctor to control blood pressure and blood cholesterol level. Something as simple as keeping these indicators at an optimal level can save our lives.

To take care of your heart health it is essential to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. Thus, we must avoid sedentary lifestyle and choose well what foods we include in the diet.

On the other hand, according to popular wisdom, an easy and effective way that helps in the treatment of clogged arteries is to take the remedy that we propose below. We invite you to discover its main ingredients.

The pomegranate, the fruit of the heart?

In a study published in 2013, it was indicated that the regular consumption of pomegranate and other fruits rich in antioxidants, within a balanced diet, could provide several benefits to cardiovascular health.

For this reason, in many media it has come to be known as “the fruit of the heart”.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), the pomegranate cannot be highlighted as a fruit that is especially rich in some type of nutrient. However, it does contain a considerable amount of potassium, vitamin C and group B vitamins. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a food that, according to several studies, has the potential to benefit health. Therefore, it has been incorporated into the diet in various ways.

It is believed that it can help regulate high blood pressure and reduce inflammation of clogged arteries.

The lemon

According to FEN experts, lemon is a fruit that provides vitamin C, organic acids and flavonoids. The latter would be especially beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Regular consumption of lemon juice is said to provide elasticity and resistance to the veins and arteries, thereby helping to prevent atherosclerosis.

On the other hand, it is said that the antioxidants in lemon help prevent the accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries and reduce the level of bad cholesterol or LDL.

Drink for clogged arteries

Remedy To Treat Clogged Arteries And Inflammation


  • 1 pomegranate
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera pulp (5 g)


  • First, we shell the pomegranate. Once ready, we take it to the blender.
  • Next, we cut a piece of the stalk of the aloe vera plant. We open it in half and get a little of the translucent inner pulp. We add it to the mixer.
  • Finally, we make lemon juice, and we also take it to the blender along with the pomegranate seeds, the aloe vera and the glass of water. We must obtain a homogeneous drink and always consume it in the morning.

Always follow your doctor’s recommendations

In case the doctor has indicated that you have clogged arteries, it will be essential that you follow his instructions and try to adopt and consistently maintain good habits.

Finally, remember that it is not recommended that you rely solely on the consumption of the drink mentioned above, as this could be counterproductive for you. It is always best to integrate these types of lives into a healthy lifestyle.

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