Soothe Sciatica Pain With 5 Natural Remedies

In addition to following the advice of the specialist, massages with ginger oil can be very useful in relieving the pain caused by sciatica .

What we normally call sciatica refers to pain that spreads along the sciatic nerve, through the lower back, the buttocks, and down each leg. Have you ever experienced it? Do you want to know how to relieve sciatica pain?

Symptoms arise when a part of the nerve is compressed or irritated due to a herniated disc, deformation or injury, resulting in  an inflammatory reaction that is often accompanied by pain, numbness, and movement difficulties of the affected leg.

Although the ailment can occur in different degrees of intensity, it has become one of the main causes of sick leave in the middle-aged population.  For this reason, in addition to conventional treatments, some natural therapeutic remedies are recommended to help control it.

This time we want to review some relevant information about the ailment and 5 home solutions to speed up your recovery.

Causes of sciatica and associated risk factors

As we have been commenting, sciatic nerve pain, popularly known as sciatica, is caused by compression and inflammation caused by herniated discs in the spine or excessive bony growths in the vertebrae.

It is often the result of poor effort, injury, or deterioration caused by diseases such as diabetes.

Risk factor’s

  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Carrying too heavy loads
  • Changes in the spine with age.
  • Maintain a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Remain seated or in the same position for a long time.

Symptoms of sciatica

A sensation of tenderness and pain along the path of the sciatic nerve is the main symptom of this health problem. Other symptoms that may manifest are the following:

  • Pain that intensifies when sitting.
  • Burning or tingling going down the leg.
  • Shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand or walk.
  • Weakness, numbness, or trouble moving your leg.
  • Constant pain in one buttock or one leg (rarely occurs on both sides).

Natural remedies for sciatica treatment

Treatment of sciatica usually consists of anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. However, in a complementary way, there are those who consider it beneficial to resort to certain home remedies, as they help to achieve a feeling of relief.

1 onion

Onions and white garlic

Although it does not have the most pleasant smell, the anti-inflammatory and relaxing compounds in onion can help soothe the pain of sciatica.

How to use it?

  • Cut an onion in half and, using the inside of one of the halves, massage in gentle circular motions for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the operation 2 times a day, until you feel relief.

2. Cabbage leaves

The therapeutic properties of cabbage leaves can be used as a natural reliever for sciatica symptoms.

How to use them?

  • Heat several cabbage leaves and apply them on the sore areas.
  • Perform the treatment for 10 minutes and, if you consider it necessary, repeat it 2 times a day.

3. Ginger oil

Ginger oil: benefits and how to prepare it at home

Ginger oil has an active compound known as gingerol that, in addition to acting as an anti-inflammatory, produces a sensation of heat that helps reduce sciatica pain.

How to use?

  • Put a little ginger oil in the palms of your hands and rub it, using gentle massages, on the areas affected by sciatica.
  • Do the therapy for 8-10 minutes and rest.
  • Repeat this every day until the pain is reduced.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains active ingredients that help improve blood circulation to facilitate the process of recovering from pain caused by injury to the sciatic nerve.

How to use?

  • Eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach and repeat it before going to bed.

5. Calendula oil, another ally against sciatica pain

Calendula oil: uses, benefits and contraindications.

Popular for its anti-inflammatory properties, calendula oil is a medicinal product for external use that helps promote sciatica pain relief.

Its use through massage improves circulation in the affected areas and, thanks to this, reduces inflammation and movement difficulties.

How to use?

  • Put some calendula oil along the path of the sciatic nerve, where you feel pain, and massage gently for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Avoid rough massaging to avoid worsening the condition.
  • Repeat the remedy 2 times a day.

Does this ailment afflict you? Keep in mind that, in addition to trying these remedies, you should avoid activities with high physical impact and all kinds of habits that can worsen inflammation. Also, consult with a medical professional to learn about other types of therapies.

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