The 5 Best Tricks To Relax

Stress is the response of our body to various situations. This may be due to a situation of increasing demand or, even, of danger. Thus, stress keeps us alert and makes us able to react quickly. However, this state should not be maintained for long. You must learn to relax.

In itself, Stress helps us in a way to cope with our problems and it is necessary for us. However, like everything in life, the key is in balance.

In any case, if you suffer from it chronically, it is best to always consult a specialist.

Today we introduce you  some techniques that can help you relax. Try them and choose the ones that give you the best results.

1. Take a deep breath

Breath control

Breathing is one of the first things that changes when we are stressed. . In this state we usually breathe fast and what we achieve is that our body accelerates even more.

Over time, this could even lead to heart and blood pressure problems.

However, calm down, you can use this technique to calm your breathing. You will see that, in addition to relaxing, it will improve your health:

  • Sit in a relaxed place.
  • If you’re in your office and can’t change your chair, just close your eyes and take a long breath through the nose.
  • Hold it for a few seconds and expel it through your mouth.
  • Don’t think about anything else and just focus on the sound of your breathing.

Repeat this process about 20 times and rest. You can do it as many times as you need until you are calm.

2. Listen to music

Listen to your music A favorite will always put you in a good mood, making it a great way to relax.

Studies show that there is a strong link between music and low stress levels in everyday life.

In case you have undergone surgery, are facing critical illness or are pregnant, you should listen to music as much as possible.

Something that you must take into account is that each person is different. So, identify the type of music that generates relaxation and a good mood .

You probably already have some favorite genres; all you have to do is identify what emotions each rhythm generates in you.

3. Exercise

For many the word sport or exercise it is usually a cause of stress. However, when we tell you that you should exercise, we do not mean that you practice it for several hours.

We have all been told countless times that sport is one of the best tools to relax while keeping fit.

The reason is that When we exercise, our body generates endorphins . These are known as “the hormones of happiness”, so you  they can help reduce anxiety and increase mental well-being.

In addition to having a great effect on our mood and stress levels, exercise is also perfect for putting problems out of your mind.

It can also help induce sleep. This is great, because when we are tense or stressed it is almost impossible to sleep well.

When you feel like stress is weighing you down, take a walk for a few minutes. You will see how it helps you stop thinking about your problems and relax.

4. Eat a good piece of chocolate to relax

Good news for lovers of chocolate is that this, apart from being one of the most popular and delicious foods in the world, is also a great painkiller.

  • Chocolate is rich in magnesium. The deficiency of this mineral can favor the appearance of stress. Therefore, its consumption can help you relax.
  • It also contains anandamide, a neurotransmitter that will help you experience that much-needed sense of peace.
  • High levels of phenylethylamine in chocolate increase endorphin production .

With this we do not tell you that every day you eat a chocolate bar or that you finish a jar of cocoa cream when stress takes over, because you would put your health at great risk.

It is best to always have a small piece of dark chocolate on hand. This one has all the benefits but a minimal amount of sugars.

Another option is to make yourself a cup of hot cocoa chocolate.

Among the chocolates with which you should be more careful and avoid them as much as possible are milk chocolate and white chocolate. These usually contain more calories.

5. Laugh whenever possible

This is one of the tricks to relax that will sound trite to you, but it is on the list because it is really effective.

A good laugh can help reduce stress levels. Although it can be complicated at the beginning, as you put it into practice it will be easier for you.

If you are experiencing a time of stress, the best thing you can do is find a reason that makes you laugh .

It would be good if you shared a good laugh with your loved ones every day. In this way you will be creating memories that will improve your relationships.

Learn to deal with stress

stressed woman

Stress, as we have said, is a natural emotion of the body that serves to be alert and able to face many situations.

Forget saying or believing that it is completely wrong, as this is not entirely true.

It is just about learning to cope with those complex situations that we all experience.

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