The Best And Worst Cooking Oils For Health

Today there are several cooking oil options on the market. This, and the amount of information regarding the benefits and risks of consuming different types of fat, means that many times we do not know for sure which one we should choose for our preparations.

For many years, fat has gotten a bad rap for its link, among other health problems, to being overweight and obese. However, this information only has to do with saturated fat.

Regarding this issue, a study by Missouri Medicine suggests that there are healthy fats present in cooking oils, and that these should be consumed in moderation to guarantee the obtaining of some nutrients. We tell you more about it.

Are all types of oil recommended?

One of the main sources of fat is the oils that are used frequently in cooking. Most are of plant origin , although those of animal origin (such as fish or liver) are also used.

A post in Harvard Chan Home  suggests that replacing bad fats (saturated and trans) with healthier fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) could be good for your heart.

For this reason, it is recommended to use plant-based oils instead of butter, lard, and oils like palm oil, which can contain harmful fats. Now, among the oils that represent a good option for health, there are the following options:

  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Olive
  • Peanut
  • Safflower
  • Sunflower
Are all types of oil recommended?

The best cooking oils for health

Although studies on the subject of good and bad fats are constantly evolving, it has been considered that certain oils have a positive influence on your health.

Here are three options for plant-based oils that you could incorporate into your diet to cook in a healthier way.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is a basic ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and is characterized by being a monounsaturated fat with benefits for cardiovascular health.

A good option is the extra virgin, since it is cold pressed, which helps to keep all its properties intact and preserve a higher degree of purity.

The Spanish Heart Foundation highlights the following benefits of olive oil :

  • Helps raise good cholesterol levels and lowers bad cholesterol.
  • It benefits the control of arterial hypertension.
  • Helps reduce the occurrence of thrombosis.
  • Helps lower the risk of diabetes.

2. Canola oil

One of the advantages of canola oil is that it does not change the taste of food due to its neutral taste. In addition, it has little saturated fat content and contains monounsaturated fats, which represents a good contribution to a healthy diet.

According to a publication from The Mayo Clinic, this oil is also a good option when considering cooking oils, since its properties represent a safe and healthy option for cooking food.

cooking oils

3. Sesame oil

This oil of Asian origin is recognized as a source of monounsaturated fats. Its main benefits are attributed to its high content of antioxidants that are not destroyed when subjected to moderate heat.

According to a descriptive review published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science , evidence suggests that canola oil has the potential to lower cholesterol levels and inflammation, reduce risks of atherosclerosis, and delay the onset of cardiovascular disease.

The worst cooking oils for health

Some of the vegetable oils that are marketed as healthy are made up of bad fats, also called saturated or trans fats . Because they are more affordable, the consumption of these types of oils has become one of the main causes of high cholesterol problems. What are these oils?

1. Soybean oil

This type of oil, which is frequently used in processed foods, is subjected to a hydrogenation process that has the purpose of delaying its expiration and keeping the flavor of the food stable. This same process is responsible for turning your fat into unhealthy food.

This hydrogenation, according to information contained in a study by Intech Open , removes essential fatty acids that are necessary for the body; in turn, it turns some of the oil into trans fat .

2. Butter

Although this dairy product has been used for years as a spread on certain bakery products, it is also used for cooking.

According to a publication from The Mayo Clinic, butter is made from animal fat, which makes it contain saturated fat . In addition, some varieties contain trans fats due to the process to which they are subjected.

Therefore, it is believed that excessive consumption of this food affects an increased risk of high blood cholesterol and heart disease.

Although butter that is high in trans fat can be identified by its solid texture, it is important to read the nutrition label on products before purchasing to verify that the content of these fats is not too high.

Butter bar

How do you get the best out of healthy cooking oils?

Although the oils mentioned as the best options for cooking are backed by studies, it is important that you take these data into account to get the most out of it:

  • Do not leave food cooking in oil for a long time.
  • Any oil, even of vegetable origin, oxidizes and loses properties when burned. If this happens it is better to discard it.
  • Do not reuse or reheat the oil.

Following these tips can help you enjoy the benefits of a good cooking oil. However, if we talk about healthy preparations, it is better to opt for those that require another type of cooking. Keep that in mind!

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