The First Moments Of A Contracture: How To Act?

If we resort to massages to relieve contracture, it is important that these are performed by a qualified person, since, otherwise, it could be more harmful than beneficial

A contracture is the involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscle group that causes pain and the sensation of a “bulge” in the area. The first moments of a contracture are essential to avoid complicating it. Prompt treatment helps decrease that possibility. It is important to know the definition and the most frequent types of contractures to treat them properly.

What is a contracture?

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It is the contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. It occurs involuntarily and for a period of time. It generates discomfort and various levels of pain. Typically, the muscle has the ability to stretch and contract. However, there are cases in which a certain muscle area does not stretch and remains contracted.

This area tends to bulge and harden due to the formation of what is commonly called a “knot.” Although a muscle contracture can be a great discomfort, it is not a very serious injury. The biggest disadvantage of suffering from it is that it can make it difficult to perform some movements in a normal way. What prevents movement is pain. The first moments of a contracture are decisive for its treatment. Knowing how to identify a muscle contracture helps a lot in recovery.

What types of muscle contractures are there?

Muscle contractures differ, fundamentally, by their origin. This is how you can identify those that:

  • They originate during the performance of a certain physical effort.
  • Those that occur after this activity.
  • Those of a residual nature, that is, those that are associated with another injury.

During the effort


They are those muscle contractures that develop due to physical exercise. Exercise creates waste substances called metabolites. When vigorous exercise is performed, or without proper training, the human body is unable to perform its function normally. This function consists of the complete purification of this substance through the blood. The metabolites accumulate, cause inflammation and cause pain.

After effort

This case occurs when the muscle is unable to return to its resting state after prolonged exercise. The intense activity prevents it from returning to its natural state due to the accumulation of tension. Therefore, the muscle remains contracted and does not strain.


It occurs after a serious injury,  which could be a fracture, severe trauma, or a fiber break. The area adjacent to the injury tends to contract for protection. Being its objective to protect, this area remains contracted after the main injury has healed.

What to do in the first moments of a contracture?

To rest


As logic itself indicates, during the first moments of a muscle contracture there is a stop. It is recommended to stop doing the activity or effort that was being carried out. Therefore, many times, rest is the first and best way to counteract a contracture.

Dry heat

Another way to combat a contracture in the beginning is by applying dry heat to the affected area.

  • Due to the vasodilator properties that heat has, it helps to irrigate that muscle area.
  • In addition, thanks to its analgesic and relaxing effects, it causes a feeling of relief.

Contrast baths

The constant and interspersed application of hot and cold water is another way to act during the first moments of a contracture. This change in temperature generates vasoconstriction and vasodilation as a reaction. This stimulates circulation in the affected area.



It is a quick, natural, and generally very efficient treatment for treating a muscle contracture. It is worth emphasizing that these massages should be given by a person who has professional knowledge of manual therapy.


The use of drugs is a way to relieve muscle contractures in a more aggressive way.

  • Topical or orally administered anti-inflammatories are used .
  • It is a chemical treatment and its results are quite satisfactory.

Final thoughts

During the first moments of a contracture, it must be taken into account that each body reacts differently to an injury. There are variables that affect the recovery time of the affected person. A common factor is that the more fixed the contracture is, the longer it will take to relieve itself. Therefore, early treatments are of particular importance.

In any case, early care prevents and avoids major ailments or conditions. Having a preventive culture establishes a sense of responsibility with the body and health that are fundamental. In addition, it avoids large expenses in advanced treatments for having let the ailments advance.

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