The Great Benefits Of Having Fruit For Breakfast

Do you usually have fruit for breakfast in the morning? Or just coffee? Are you perhaps one of those who leaves home with nothing in your stomach? Then, most likely, by midmorning you already feel tired and without too much energy to continue with your day.

Eating little or no breakfast is an incorrect habit, according to this research by the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico,  to which we are often forced because we do not have time. However, possibly one of the best options to leave the house well nourished is to turn to fruit. They will provide you with all the vitamins you need and, in addition, you can prepare a delicious breakfast in a few minutes.

Do you want to know how? We show it to you!

Eat fruit for breakfast

The great benefits of having fruit for breakfast in the morning

Eating fruit for breakfast in the morning is recommended for all ages, from children to the elderly. Now, we already know that an apple, a banana or a bunch of grapes can sometimes be visually boring. It’s unattractive, and in the mornings you may crave a bowl of milk with a chocolate or cream pastry more.

However, resorting to this type of sweets in the morning is not the most beneficial for our health, as some studies affirm. The reason? They do not provide us with nutrients, only calories. They do not satisfy us and also force us to have to eat something half an hour later, because we feel hungry and we are low on energy.

Discover why it is so advisable to always choose a fruit in the morning before the classic cookies or industrial pastries. Here are some reasons:

After 6 or 8 hours without consuming anything, we cannot “fill” our stomach with anything.

The Great Benefits Of Having Fruit For Breakfast

And much less with calories and fat from those cakes or those buns that we feel like in the morning. Our body takes a long time to process them and, far from nourishing us, they continue to leave us hungry and without any really healthy energy intake.

The fruit is rich in a type of sugar that the body assimilates very well

Apart from that, it is also very beneficial for the brain in those early hours of the day. Think that this organ needs almost 20% of our total energy, and that glucose is that essential fuel to perform many of its basic functions. Fruit is, therefore, a wonderful food to clear up in the morning and that, in addition, our stomach digests properly thanks to its fiber content, according to the study by Dr. Ricardo Uauy in the Chilean Nutrition Magazine.

The fruit is also rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals

Therefore, having fruit for breakfast in the morning will help us stay hydrated and avoid constipation. It is a more than ideal complement with which to start the day. However, remember that fruit should always be supplemented with some protein and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, such as those from cereals. In this way, we will obtain a healthy, varied and balanced nutrition.

What are the best fruits that I can include in my breakfast?


Having fruit for breakfast is one of the best options to start the day, but which  are the most suitable? Take note of which ones cannot be missing in your kitchen:

  • Grapefruit (grapefruit). It contains a lot of folic acid.
  • Orange and tangerine. Being citrus, they are a great antioxidant.
  • Kiwi. Avoid constipation, according to studies on the subject.
  • Strawberry.
  • Banana. Its large amount of potassium would prevent muscle cramps during the day, according to some research.
  • Pineapple. It is a great anti-inflammatory, as this publication of Biomedical Reports states.
  • Watermelon. It contains a lot of water, which would help us hydrate ourselves.
  • Apple. According to research by the Chilean Nutrition Magazine, it is a great ally in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Raspberry. It is high in fiber.

Healthy and original ways to eat fruit in the morning


Here are some ideas for you to carry out:

  • A bowl of oatmeal with two tablespoons of Greek yogurt, along with a diced grapefruit. Natural apple juice.
  • A banana cut into slices with honey, since the latter has healing properties.  A natural apple juice with a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast.
  • A slice of rye bread with turkey breast and a slice of pineapple. A natural banana or strawberry juice.
  • An infusion of strawberry water, and some walnuts. These are a source of highly recommended healthy fats that are not fattening, as stated in this study by the Autonomous University of Baja California.
  • A tangerine, an omelette with spinach (which contain a lot of fiber) and pomegranate juice.
  • A bit of serrano ham in pieces with a slice of york ham. A glass of natural orange juice.

To conclude, we are aware that many times in the morning we do not have time to stop to prepare these breakfasts. However, most of them do not require you to open the fire or cook. Just peel, cut pieces of fruit into small pieces and use the blender to make a juice.

If you put in a little will, the effort is worth it. Eating fruit for breakfast in the morning helps you regulate your intestinal transit, feeling satiated and in a better mood. If you also include a little protein, such as an egg or a few simple slices of ham, you will get complete nutrition that will help you stay until noon without having to snack. Try it!

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