These 7 Eating Habits Are Damaging Your Face

If you want to avoid all those factors that may be damaging your face, it is essential that you increase your water consumption and avoid excess salt and sugar.

There are several eating habits that can damage the face. And although at first glance they may seem an exaggeration, in reality, they do have a great impact on the health of the skin.

It must be remembered that having beautiful and healthy skin does not depend only on the external care that is given to it, no matter how much care is put into them. It is necessary to maintain good lifestyle habits and, above all, pay attention to issues such as diet.

By providing the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly, diet becomes a major influence on the appearance of the skin. 

Next we will tell you what are the bad eating habits that you may be maintaining and that prevent you from having a beautiful and healthy complexion every day.

A balanced diet, the best ally for the skin

Of course, it is very good that you take care of your skin from solar radiation and that you keep it clean and hydrated. The point is that these measures are not enough.

The secret of good health, dermis and epidermis included, is that we eat correctly.

Next, we will tell you some of the nutritional habits that you should put aside if you want to have a firm, smooth complexion free of impurities.

So take note. These are some of the things that may be damaging your face:

Bad eating habits that detract from beauty

1. Excessive sugar consumption

Excessive consumption of sugar

Sugar is a substance very present in soft drinks, desserts and sweets of all kinds that, in addition to making us fat, favors the appearance of acne breakouts and inflammation. In fact, its consumption has been shown to affect the production of collagen and elastin, thereby accelerating skin aging.

Therefore, if you want to maintain the health of your skin, it is best to reduce your sugar intake to a minimum. And in case you want to eliminate it completely, you can take a fruit or other healthy alternatives.

2. Excessive alcohol consumption

While it is true that the occasional consumption of a glass of wine with a meal can provide us with a good amount of antioxidants, when this drink is used regularly and excessively, no benefit is obtained.

Drinking alcohol promotes dehydration, which is not a good thing when it comes to making your face look soft and smooth.

3. Adding too much salt to foods

One of the worst eating habits for general health is the abuse of salt as a seasoning. This mineral produces fluid retention and inflammation, which makes it difficult for the body to release toxins.

This fluid retention also damages the skin cells, since it greatly reduces their elasticity.

5. Abusing fried and dairy foods

In addition to causing an increase in cholesterol, with the multiple complications that this entails, excessive consumption of fried foods and bad fats means that oxygen does not reach the skin adequately. In this way, there is a loss of elasticity and expression lines appear.

6. Abusing coffee

A good cup of coffee can be a comforting and delicious option. The drawbacks occur when it is exceeded in its consumption. In these cases there is an increase in the levels of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, which, among other negative consequences:

  • Produces dehydration.
  • Takes the shine off the skin.
  • Accelerates aging.

Leave bad habits behind!

damaging your face

It is clear then that a balanced diet is the best ally to show off healthy and young skin. Likewise, it is essential to maintain good hydration to be able to correctly eliminate toxins and keep the whole body in good condition.

Say goodbye to bad eating habits and dare to show off a pretty face, day by day. The effort will be worth it and you will gain a lot in long-term health.

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