This Lemon And Parsley Syrup Will Help You Fight Kidney Stones

This syrup can help us as a supplement to reduce the size of kidney stones and promote their expulsion, as long as they are not too large and numerous

A large part of the waste in the human body is processed by the kidneys to be excreted through the urine. For this reason, when there is not an optimal elimination of fluids, mineral salts and other chemicals form so-called kidney stones.

Its presence in the body is quite painful and can lead to serious complications that impair the quality of life. Although their size can vary in each case, most of the time they block the passage of urine and prevent it from being completely eliminated.

In turn, they can lead to the development of urinary tract infections and even bleeding. L ost times are eliminated with the use of some medicines and natural remedies ; however, when its size is relatively large, surgical intervention is required.

Homemade lemon ginger syrup is a homemade solution that can support the treatment of this condition. In this space we reveal why it is so healthy and how it should be prepared for this purpose.

Syrup to fight kidney stones

Before knowing the benefits of syrup for kidney stones, you should know that the first key to preventing this disorder is fluid intake.

And it is that, when they are not consumed in an adequate way, the urine remains retained in the body and the substances that compose it develop the stones. Therefore, drinking a large amount of water a day helps to alleviate this problem.

However, to stimulate kidney function and dissolve existing stones, it is important to ingest ingredients with diuretic and detoxifying properties.

On this occasion  we propose to take advantage of the qualities of lemon and parsley, two foods full of nutrients that have been used against various disorders that affect kidney health.

Lemon benefits


Lemon juice contains citric acid and phosphoric acid, two components that decrease the risk of stone formation. 

  • Its high citrate content reduces acidity in the urine and stimulates the elimination of excess salts and toxins.
  • It has a diuretic action that promotes the elimination of retained fluids in the tissues, increasing the amount of urine.
  • It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent the development of kidney and bladder infections.

Benefits of parsley


Parsley is one of the most popular plants when it comes to kidney health.

  • It contains essential oils with a high content of apiol and myristicin, two substances that give it a strong diuretic action that increases urine production.
  • In turn, it is a significant source of chlorophyll, a plant compound that stimulates the purification of toxins and excess fat.
  • It also contains a good amount of vitamin C, a nutrient that strengthens the immune system to fight infections.

How to prepare a lemon and parsley syrup to fight kidney stones?

The preparation of this homemade syrup is very simple and gives good results. Lemon and parsley are combined with olive oil, maple syrup, and honey to make a more complete and effective remedy.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley
  • Olive oil (224 g)
  • 1 cup of maple syrup (325 g)
  • 1 cup of honey (335 g)
  • Glass jar with lid


  • Extract the juice of a lemon and mix it with the handful of parsley in a blender.
  • After obtaining a paste, add the rest of the ingredients and beat them until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • When ready, pour it into the glass jar and seal well.
  • Store it in a cool, dark place.

Consumption mode

  • Take a tablespoon of the product on an empty stomach every day.
  • If you like, you can dilute it in a glass of warm water to facilitate its consumption.
  • It complements its effects with the intake of about two liters of water a day.

Continuous intake of this syrup is effective for patients diagnosed with small stones and in small quantities. Those whose diagnosis is more advanced can use it as a complement. Go ahead and prepare it as soon as possible and keep this  prodigious remedy for the health of your kidneys at hand.

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