Tips And Recommendations For Hypertension

When it comes to preventing hypertension, we must know that the main risk factors for suffering from this disease are unhealthy lifestyle habits. Therefore, this will be the first thing we will have to modify. If you want to know how to prevent hypertension, in this article we show you how. Now, do not forget that, as it is a health problem, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Once this is done, take note of our tips! But first, let’s see what exactly this disease consists of.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is considered one of the main risk factors for strokes, according to research.

This health problem occurs when the blood that circulates through the arteries does so with a higher pressure than normal, thus causing serious problems in organs such as the heart, brain or kidneys.

A person is said to have hypertension when their blood pressure levels are above 140 mm Hg (systolic pressure) and 90 mm Hg (diastolic pressure).

According to some research, the prevalence of high blood pressure is around 31%. In the case of people over 60, the figure rises.

Tips to prevent hypertension

Avoid smoking  direct relationship between tobacco use and hypertension.  

Smoking has many negative health impacts. Studies support the fact that tobacco use increases the risk of hypertension. For this reason, experts recommend quitting smoking to prevent this problem.

For example,  the Spanish Heart Foundation assures that quitting smoking can help to significantly reduce hypertension, even more than drugs. If you want to quit this bad habit right now, we invite you to read our tips to quit smoking.

Control bad cholesterol

Bad cholesterol is another of the worst enemies of adequate blood pressure, because it accumulates in the arteries. This accumulation prevents the normal passage of the bloodstream, so the blood will circulate at a higher pressure than normal.

If we want to have a controlled blood pressure, cholesterol levels should not exceed 200 mg / dl.

Reduce salt intake

People who have a diet that includes a lot of salt are usually more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, since it is another of the main risk factors in the development of this disease.

Grains of salt

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a person should eat less than 5 grams of salt a day (2 grams of sodium). 

However, the worrying thing is that a large number of people consume up to twice as much. If you want to prevent hypertension, it is very important to reduce and / or eliminate salt intake.

Avoid drinking alcohol

People who consume alcohol excessively may also be at higher risk for hypertension. The key is not to exceed consumption.

Experts recommend consuming no more than 30 grams of ethanol per day. This amount is equivalent to 300 ml of wine and 60 ml of whiskey per day.

Exercising frequently

Exercising moderately and frequently is one of the keys to trying to prevent high blood pressure. Exercise strengthens the heart and helps prevent the risks of developing different types of cardiovascular diseases. 

Woman exercising.

In addition, it can also help control diabetes, cholesterol, and being overweight. It is recommended to do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily, at least 4 or 5 times a week.

Avoid being overweight

Being overweight is another of the factors that most puts a person at risk of suffering from hypertension. It is very important to start controlling your weight and achieve a body mass index that is appropriate for your age, height, and gender.

Eat a healthy diet

Diet is a key point to prevent and treat a problem such as hypertension. It is recommended to eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, omega 3 fatty acids and nuts.

Eating a healthy diet is advisable to prevent hypertension.

Avoid stress

Stress and anxiety can temporarily increase blood pressure, which is why they are considered a risk factor for developing this disease.

It is recommended to avoid situations that generate stress, or if this is not possible, know how to control it by taking time to relax, rest, enjoy a massage or a yoga class.

Now that you know what hypertension is and how to help prevent it, it’s time to put our tips into practice. Make sure you follow them correctly and consult a specialist if you think you have health problems related to hypertension.

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