Tips To Keep Your Nails Healthy This Summer

In the summer everything is cooler and more colorful, and your nails should not be an exception. Now is the time to show off both toenails and fingernails. Although you can use colorful enamels, sometimes you have to let them breathe and, that’s when we worry about them looking yellow or sloppy.

In addition, they do not grow at the same rate. The nails of the hands grow about one millimeter per week, while toenails grow less and are harder. But, equally, we advise you to take care of them with the same care. Just keep these tips in mind. If you are one of the people who use cosmetic treatments, don’t forget to apply them to your toenails as well. This will allow you to look flawless.

The first care

The first thing you should do is leave them all the same size and minute. To do this you should not use scissors or nail clippers: the indicated thing is that you file them. The file you use must be cardboard or diamond, never use metal files because they hurt your nails .

Only pass the file one way. You should do it with short movements and only to one side. Forget about coming and going. This way you make your nails flake. This step is very important. You must do it carefully and attentively. Avoid filing too much or leaving the nail too short and remember to give it a square finish to avoid ingrown nails.

If after the file there is dirt underneath, do not remove it with something sharp. You can hurt yourself and damage the nail on the inside. You must immerse them in soapy water and brush them well. After having them clean and perfect, you can continue with the treatment.

Appropriate care for the needs of your nails



If you have fragile nails and you are going to use hardeners, those made with natural products are recommended, and without overdoing it. The nail must be able to move as part of its functions, so you should not change its nature .


Some people have a tendency to have spots on their nails. If this is your case and it bothers you, remember that this may be the sign of a health problem, so you should consult your doctor.

If your profession or your daily life forces you to be in contact with very strong chemicals, that is likely the cause. In this case, you can dip them in lemon juice . It will remove existing stains and harden them enough to keep them from breaking, but not enough to keep them from maintaining their natural movement. Results appear in about a week.

Nail polish remover

Use acetone-free nail polish remover. Also try to use natural products that are not aggressive for your nails.



When you apply cream on your hands and feet, you should also put it on your nails , it is a pampering that they love. You must be very careful with the soap you use to wash your hands and bathe. Try to be natural, neutral, and non-aggressive. Also, do not forget the shampoo, because it is your hands that wash your head and your nails are submerged in that product.

If you must use a very aggressive shampoo because you have very oily hair or because you use products to dye it, rinse your hands well and moisturize them. They are very damaged by so much exposure. Ideally, soak them for ten minutes in olive oil, which is perfect for restoring the keratin that makes them strong and beautiful.

Wear gloves

Some professions like the photographers they are in direct contact with very aggressive chemicals. But, even if you are a housewife, you could be affected by cleaning products such as dishwashers, grease removers, etc. Most tend to worry about keeping their eyes healthy, but nails are equally affected. To reduce risks, wear gloves. If you can’t, make sure to wash your hands well afterward and apply a hydrant cream . This will return moisture to them and protect them.

Rest of enamels

We already know that enamels look very beautiful and that we all like to combine them with our clothes. The bad news is that they prevent proper oxygenation of the nail, which can cause fungus or worsen the problem if it already exists. Wear nail polish for a maximum of five days and let them rest for at least three days. This way they will be stronger and the enamel will last longer.

Eat healthily

Your skin, your hair and your nails depend a lot on the way you nourish yourself, as this study published in Clinics in dermatology shows.   For the nails there is a vitamin that is very good, vitamin H or B7. It is commonly known as biotin. If your nails look sloppy or dry, ask your doctor if a vitamin supplement can help . Most of the time this small change is enough.

In any case, the foods rich in biotin that you can consume are:

  • Eggs.
  • Walnuts.
  • Bananas
  • Beef liver.
  • Blue fish.
  • Integral rice.
  • Tomatoes.

Antifungal creams

Fungi are deadly enemies of the nails, because they are easy to acquire and very difficult to combat. They are usually everywhere, from pools to the beach or gyms. As soon as you see the first symptoms appear, use an antifungal cream . The treatment will depend on the severity of the problem, but do not despair, it is common that they take a while.

Manicure may not be necessary


If you notice that your nails do not look good despite spending too much on manicures, perhaps you should give them a break and return to the basics: a good diet and the care that we have already mentioned. The problem with manicures is that harsh chemicals, heat, and dyes are often used that tire, damage, and remove nutrients from the nails.

Now you no longer have excuses to show off your perfect nails, what are you waiting for to follow these tips!

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