Tips To Reject Someone Without Harming Them

It may have happened to you at some time, that situation when a person seriously likes you, but on your part it is not reciprocated. Since this scenario is common, you might like to know some helpful tips to reject someone without harming them.

These types of situations are frequent. Above all, in shared spaces, such as in class, in the office. They are uncomfortable circumstances that can disturb your peace of mind.

This reaction is natural when the person does not attract us with any of their physical, intellectual or emotional attributes, or when we are simply not looking for a partner. In any scenario you will have to reject the offer, but how can you do it without harming him? Keep reading this article and you will discover some very valuable tips.

Tips to reject someone without harming them

The truth is that it is a violent situation for both of us, how to get out of this in the best possible way? Let’s see some tips

1. keep calm

6 discussions every happy couple has

If they are looking for you for a commitment that you do not want to have, mainly, avoid “running over” that person with your actions. Strive for balance. We all want them to receive us with affection, to love us, but for this we must comply with a universal maxim: treat how you want to be treated.

  • In order not to excite that person, communicate what you really feel and want so as not to create a false expectation and generate frustration. But first you must be completely sure that you will never have a relationship with him. The ideal ending is that you do not end up regretting if you later start to feel something when it is too late.
  • Talk about it before he asks you out or confesses how he feels about you. If not, you will be caught in an awkward and confusing moment that could harm the friendship, a result that would not favor any of them. It is not worth losing a friendship over events like these.
  • Your clarification must be supported by supporting facts. Be consistent with what you say and what you do. If you say that you don’t want any relationship and the person who likes you finds out that you went out with someone else, you are going to earn anger, mistrust and perhaps comments that affect your reputation.

    2. Communicate

    To reject someone without harming them, the best way to be sincere and clarify that you do not want to fall in love is to cite an example that has happened to someone else, in this way you will divert attention and get the message across.

    If it is a close friend, avoid using the phrase “right now”, because it may be waiting for you to change your mind, which could be harmful, because you are sure that nothing will happen.

    Phrases like: “I am very happy that we are just friends!” They leave no trace of doubts and the man who listens to them will be completely clear that he is in the friendzone and that he will remain there.

    Of course, the previous sentence will hurt you, it will destroy your expectations. However, much worse would be if this person had already openly declared.

    3. The time and place

    Sincerity in the couple relationship.

    Find a quiet place where that person feels comfortable. A nearby park or his place of work or, if you work together, the moment of rest. If you don’t know which is the most appropriate place for him, ask him where they could meet.

    Try to make it a space where they can talk without haste or interruptions because these types of issues deserve time, even silence to avoid misunderstandings and achieve a positive resolution for both parties.

    Never reject a romantic relationship over the phone, some chat on social media or email because it will look unserious and cowardly. Speak in person as the message will be reinforced with your gestures, tone of voice, and expressions. In this regard, try to always sound and look calm and cordial so as not to hurt him.

    Don’t add any new words, reasons, or information. Any information that you add, once you have said “no”, will be used to insist, coerce and prolong the request, a phase of the encounter that you should avoid.

    4. Your rights

    Control the partner.

    To reject someone without harming them, you must approach the situation subtly, but also firmly. You may come to believe that you will feel obligated, but when the answer is “no”, it must be respected, and to help you in this task, take into account these additional considerations that will provide you with security:

    • You have the right to refuse to do something that is requested of you.
    • Saying “no” is not synonymous with selfishness, but with stability.
    • Maintain your posture against manipulations.
    • Explain your reasons and avoid excuses; you don’t have to give them.
    • Be polite, being polite will not detract from your qualities as a person, on the contrary, it will add to you.

    Once you are sure, show absolute transparency from the beginning about your intentions to befriend your friend and thus avoid hurting him and favoring embarrassing scenes for both of you.

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