Treatment Of Binge Eating Disorder

Treating binge eating disorder is a complex process that involves multiple healthcare professionals. Since the patient can have continuous relapses, as with any addiction, a complete psychotherapeutic attention is essential.

Similarly, its objective is to teach the practice of healthy habits as a way to adopt healthy eating patterns. In turn, it aims to alleviate overweight and obesity, conditions closely related to this eating behavior problem.

The disadvantage of achieving a timely intervention is that sick patients often feel ashamed of their problem or cannot accept it. That is why it is important that friends and family learn about it and get involved in the process.


What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder is a compulsive behavior in which a person eats large amounts of food on a recurring basis. It is part of the eating behavior diseases and, in fact, has some similarities with bulimia.

The difference with this disease is that a person with binge eating disorder does not try to compensate for it with fasting, purging, or intensive exercise. Although you feel guilty or afraid of gaining weight, you have constant urges to eat uncontrollably.

It is also common for the problem to be accompanied by depressive symptoms and anxiety attacks. In addition, it usually comes hand in hand with being overweight and obese, alterations that can affect pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension and joint problems.

Criteria for diagnosing binge eating disorder

  • Food intake in a short space of time (for example every two hours), in amounts higher than normal.
  • Feeling of losing control when eating or not being able to stop eating until you feel too full.
  • Binge eating at least once a week for a period of three months.
  • There are no compensatory behaviors (purging methods, fasting, intensive training).

What is the treatment of binge eating disorder like?

Binge eating disorder treatment strategies focus on reducing the number of binges per day and, incidentally, making weight control easier. However, since overeating is related to self-esteem problems, the measures also target this and other psychological factors.

Psychological therapy helps treat schizophrenia.


Psychotherapy, also called talk therapy, can be carried out in individual or group sessions. Through this, it is sought to guide the sick person to change unhealthy habits for others that will help reduce binge eating.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

This therapy aims to help cope with problems that can trigger binge episodes, such as low self-esteem or depression. It also helps to achieve better control of behavior and to adapt eating patterns.

Interpersonal psychotherapy

These sessions focus on the patient’s relationship with others. Its objective is to improve interpersonal skills to establish better bonds with family or friends. In this way, binges whose triggers are bad relationships decrease.

Dialectical behavior therapy

It groups together a set of behavioral strategies that increase tolerance to stressful or frustrating situations. It promotes the control of emotions and helps to be aware of the damage that bingeing does.

Pharmacological measures

The first drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate or severe binge eating disorder is lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse). It is a drug that is also used to control attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Contains stimulant components that can cause addiction and dependence. It also produces mild side effects such as dry mouth to insomnia. However, some patients develop more serious side effects. Other drugs used in the treatment of binge eating disorder are:

  • Anticonvulsant topiramate (Topamax) : decreases binge eating but causes side reactions such as dizziness and kidney stones.
  • Antidepressants: known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are helpful. They can produce dependency.

Behavioral weight loss programs

Most people with this eating disorder try to lose weight on their own. However, ignoring their illness, they face failure again and again. Why is it not good to diet without first controlling the problem?

Weight loss programs are not implemented until bingeing is reduced, as dieting triggers more cravings to eat. Then, once it is considered conducive, weight loss plans are made under medical supervision.

The professional, who is usually a nutritionist, designs a plan according to the needs of each one. In addition, it helps to establish a healthy relationship with food to avoid relapses.


It is very difficult for a person to overcome this condition on their own. However, as a complement to the other measures of the treatment of binge eating disorder, some habits can be followed that help improve the prognosis.

  • Attend all therapy sessions
  • Follow the food recommendations to the letter
  • Avoid dieting without professional supervision
  • Breakfast everyday
  • Keeping “tempting” foods hidden
  • Ensure an adequate supply of essential nutrients
  • Keep in touch with family and friends
  • Get regular physical exercise

Coping and support strategies

Having an eating disorder carries a constant risk of relapse due to daily contact with food. But that does not mean that overcoming it is impossible. Here are some final tips to deal with it:

  • Do not accept self-criticism, rather, relax.
  • Identify the situations that can influence dangerous eating behaviors.
  • Carry out activities that increase self-esteem.
  • Talk to a family member or friend who can understand the situation without judgment.
  • Do activities that generate pleasure, fun or relaxation.

Feeling emotional support and understanding in fighting binge eating disorder can keep you motivated to overcome it. Therefore, family members and support groups are key to coping with it and avoiding its recidivism.

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