What Is Bioenergetic Therapy?

Bioenergetic therapy can be used as a complement to others to relieve tension and eliminate physical ailments resulting from poor handling of problems or bad habits.

Bioenergetics is one of the so-called “alternative therapies”. It is a psychotherapeutic method that suggests that a large number of diseases develop due to the combination of physical, mental and energetic factors.

According to its fundamentals, the healthy human being is one who has a “vital force” that circulates optimally through his body when the mind and body are in total balance.

Indeed, and as with other similar therapies, bioenergetics maintains that there is a system of subtle energies that influence the well-being of human beings.

When it undergoes some type of alteration, the person begins to have various physical ailments that, in general, are related to poor management of tension, self-destructive thoughts or bad habits.

Origin of bioenergetic therapy


The origins of bioenergetic therapy go back to Sigmund Freud. Wilhelm Reich, a disciple of Freud, was the first psychoanalyst to point out the link between a person’s character and his muscular structure.

The American Alexander Lowen, a physician and psychotherapist, founded the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA).

Thus, he created this psychotherapy from the work done by his teacher W. Reich and some ideas from acupuncture and oriental therapies.

Lowen concluded that mind, body and vital energy function as a unit and, therefore, their interaction with each other is what determines the well-being of a person.

For this reason, he maintains that when a traumatic event occurs in the life of an individual, not only does a problem appear on an emotional level, but also a blockage in the energy currents of his body. As a consequence, repetitive ailments (pain or illness) or mental clarity and irritability problems arise.

What is bioenergetic therapy?


Bioenergetics is a therapy that could help unblock those problematic body parts  that are stiff or out of balance.

Its practice aims to give free rein to feelings that do not find an adequate outlet and that, in some way, interfere with well-being. He also argues that blockages in the flow of energy have physical causes such as:

  • Bad nutrition.
  • Consumption of drugs.
  • Consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Injuries from accidents.

His actual work is aimed at:

  • Work on body language.
  • Facilitate the expression of feelings.
  • Understand the personality linked to the body.
  • Help patients regain their freedom.
  • Increase the ability to experience pleasure and happiness.
  • Mobilize the energy contained in the body through muscular tensions.

What are bioenergy sessions and what are their techniques?

In the bioenergy sessions, the therapist makes an analysis of the body and the character of the person to detect health problems or discomforts that lead to tension.

The goal is to release these blocks through the stimulation of the energy field. This can be helpful for anxiety, stress, headaches, and other common minor ailments.

Bioenergy sessions use 4 main techniques that serve to diagnose, mobilize energy and release tension.

1. Breathing


The muscular tensions manifested in the body often transform breathing patterns. Therefore, one of the first steps in bioenergetic treatment is a breathing exercise.

By observing the breath, therapists seek to locate blockages or detect emotional conflicts.

2. Bioenergetic exercises

To release the body and increase vital energy, this therapy uses different body exercises such as stretching of the limbs and pelvic movements.

3. Massages


The application of massages is one of the complements of bioenergetic therapy. These stimulate the muscles and help eliminate toxins and built-up pressure that causes blockages.

Massages are said to promote blood flow and energy, strengthening immune functions to prevent infection and discomfort.

4. Meditation

Bioenergy sessions use meditation as a tool to achieve a state of inner and outer tranquility. This method “suppresses” all types of physical and mental activity to achieve a boost of self-awareness and acceptance.

So far there are no records of contraindications for bioenergetic treatments. There is no age limit or physical or mental condition.

The discipline is not intended to be a competition for allopathic or homeopathic medicine, but to be a complement to these.

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