What Is Kundalini Yoga?

The term Kundalini Yoga refers to the psychophysical techniques associated with the tantric yoga tradition originating in India.

Thus, this type of yoga is based on the development of the kundalini shakti energy, which, according to the Hindus, is a mysterious power that resides in the human being and must join the Shivá in the crown chakra (sahasrara), located in the part top of the head.

The body is made up of seven chakras or energy points that are housed in the eyes and forehead, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis . These tension rings are the receptors and transmitters of the vital energy of the body. The chakras are of vital importance since they represent the vital consciousness of our life.

It can be said that Kundalini Yoga is a snake that coils itself around our spine and waits to awaken. The Kundalini energy activates each of the chakras that we possess from the pelvis to the brain area, expanding the state of vital consciousness.

What does Kundalini mean?

The concept “kundalini” (literally “spiral”) refers to a spiritual and cosmic energy that is supposed to reside at the base of the spinal column. It is considered as a manifestation of the macrocosmic mahasakti energy  in the microcosmic dimensions of the human body.

The image of a sleeping snake resting at the base of the spine at the lowest chakra is used, coiled so that its mouth seals the central channel that ascends through the spine.

Somehow, kundalini yoga aims to awaken this spiritual force through spiritual practices: the kundalini energy is supposed to allow reaching a liberation considered as a higher form because the central power of the body is awakened and the body is included in the process of transformation.

The creator of Kundalini Yoga

The teacher and creator of Kundalini Yoga was Yogi Bhajan. He dedicated his life to teaching an earthly and spiritual union. He left his life in India behind to travel to Europe and share his wisdom in a most curious way: instead of teaching people, he created Masters, and in this way he ensured the survival of the Kundalini.

One of the phrases of the Yogi Bahjan, which have remained for posterity is: “If you can’t see God in everything there is, you won’t be able to see Him in anything.”

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

According to the Yogateca, more than physical benefits, the Kundalini Koga, aims to develop intuition and remove your awakened consciousness – bringing mental calm, spiritual awareness and the flow of energy (Kundalini Shakti) throughout the spine and the rest of the body. .

So while you will get the physical exercise you need, you will also be able to harness self-awareness and develop a higher consciousness.

Kundalini Yoga classes are divided into:

  • Heating: Initial phase where we start up our physical body.
  • Chanting of Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guro Dev Namo), which spiritually unites us to people who practice yoga anywhere in the world.
  • Kriya: Group of physical exercises where different parts of the body are worked in order to achieve concrete results on a physical and mental level.
  • Relaxation. During this time the body assimilates the changes produced by the kriya.
  • Meditation: It helps us face different challenges in life, security, concentration, etc.
  • Intonation of the Eternal Sun: Song of blessing that ends the cycle.

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