What You Can Achieve By Drinking Almond Milk With Honey Every Day

Both honey and almonds give us extra energy and are rich in antioxidants, so they help us fight radicals free that cause aging.

Almond milk with honey has become popular as a supplement to promote wellness. Although it is not a remedy with “super properties” as perhaps some pointed out at some point, it is a plant drink that can provide nutrients that improve the quality of the diet. We tell you in detail several reasons to consume it regularly.

Almond milk with honey: a nutritious drink

Both almond milk and honey are ingredients that stand out for their nutritional value. Almond milk, which is not properly a milk, is a low-calorie drink that is obtained by grinding almonds in water. After filtering the mixture, a product similar to milk is obtained, with a slight nutty flavor.

Meanwhile, honey is an organic product that serves as a sweetener and medicinal food. Due to its texture and versatility, we can incorporate it into a wide variety of recipes and natural remedies. In addition, taken in moderate amounts, it helps to strengthen the defenses.

So why should we drink almond milk with honey every day? As we already mentioned, we can use it as a nutritional supplement. Since both foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, including this preparation in the diet is beneficial.

Nutritional properties of almond milk

Almond milk.

Almond milk has managed to stand out as an alternative to cow’s milk. The reason? Its creamy texture is similar to normal milk. In fact, there are those who use it to replace cow’s milk in many recipes. Best of all, it is nutritious and has several properties.

According to the Food Database published by the United States Department of Agriculture, almond milk contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, and magnesium. In addition, it is a low-calorie drink, as it contains around 39 calories per serving.

Due to these nutrients, their regular consumption can help to take care of health. In particular, it contributes to:

  • Take care of cardiovascular health thanks to its vitamin E content.
  • Protect bone health, due to formulas enriched with calcium and vitamin D.
  • Reduce fatigue, thanks to its contribution of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

Properties of honey

Honey from bees is one of the most precious natural ingredients by mankind since the most ancient times. Its delicious flavor, its viscous texture and its properties have been the reasons to give it a special place in diet and natural medicine.

According to a review published in Pharmacognosy Research , honey has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative effects. Also, 95-97% of your dry weight is made up of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is an energy food that helps us improve physical and mental performance.

Among other things, and according to this same publication, honey is good for:

  • Fight inflammation.
  • Prevent and fight infections.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Improve cognitive performance.
  • Soothe gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Protect against heart disease.
  • Reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

How to prepare almond milk with honey?

Handmade honey pot.

In some herbal or health food stores they are distributing almond drink to prepare it instantly. You can also find it in supermarkets. However, making it at home is very simple.


  • Honey bee.
  • 6 cups of drinking water (3 liters).
  • 2 cups of unroasted natural almonds (280 g).


    • Soak the almonds in filtered water for 12 hours and keep them in the refrigerator.
    • The next day or after the recommended time, remove the soaking water and blend the almonds with the 6 cups of drinking water.
    • Pass the preparation through a cloth strainer and place the liquid in a glass container with a lid.
    • It lasts approximately 4 or 5 days in the fridge and to prepare this remedy you only need to add a couple of teaspoons of honey.

    With the remains that remain in the strainer you can make almond flour.

    • Put the remainder on a well-spread tray and bake at minimum temperature for 1 hour or until the preparation is dry.
    • When it’s ready, you can sift it or lightly blend it to make it more of a flour consistency.

    Do you dare to try this drink? You can consume a glass every day, at the time you prefer. You can even take advantage of it as a healthy snack. 

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