Why Can’t I Focus?

If many times you lose the thread of a conversation or stop doing your work to imagine what your next vacation would be like and if the question is why can’t I concentrate? constantly round your head, this article is for you.

Next, we explain what the lack of concentration could be due to and what to do about it. Take note!

Why is it difficult to stay focused?

This question is so common today that it is worth looking into. Lack of concentration or attention becomes a problem when this influences daily activities and work or academic goals.

To address the lack of concentration, the first thing to do is recognize the reasons that cause it. In this way, it will be easier to find how to treat it or develop some technique to overcome the triggers.

Among the most frequent causes are the following that we are going to comment on.

Work overload

Sleepy man from night work.

The more things on the to-do list, the more difficult it is to focus on something in particular. If you focus on the tasks that remain to be done, you will not be able to pay attention to what you are doing at the moment.

On the other hand, long working hours, of more than 8 hours, are counterproductive, since they do not leave time for the body and brain to recover.

Little rest

Extra activities are added to the daily work hours, such as study, exercise, personal relationships, housework, and so on. So when do we rest?

Nowadays, it is almost a utopia to think about resting 8 hours in a row every night. This, according to a study published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience , can affect attention and concentration due to increased sleep pressure.

Lack of motivation

Having a job that you do not like, doing activities that are not at all pleasant, not having a specific goal, or not receiving congratulations or thanks, can be frequent causes of concentration problems.

This seems to be because the mind needs something to act on and requires it to change everything it does automatically. When there is nothing new in the daily routine, the brain is more likely to want to escape from that situation and begin to imagine a beach, a movie, a conversation with friends or a shopping trip.

You can improve this situation by doing your activities differently.

  • Start with the last on the list instead of the first.
  • Move the desktop.
  • Decorate the office with flowers.
  • Find new programs or ways to do your job.

Excess of technology

Woman teleworking with technology.

All tech gadgets are a great source of distraction. If you are dependent on social media or your phone, it may be difficult for you to focus and keep your attention on a specific task.

Some ideas that can help are: put the mobile in a remote place, do not leave the Facebook or Twitter tab open on the computer and determine specific times to check your emails. This way you will have fewer temptations and you will perform your tasks in a more efficient way.

Lack of exercise

Lack of physical activity could be related to problems in concentration, since it improves mental ability and memory.

In relation to this, a study carried out in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, published in Plos One , suggests that exercise can be useful for learning, since it provides greater control of impulses and improves concentration.


Did you know that if your desk is cluttered, dirty or full of things, it will be more difficult for you to concentrate? This is because the mind focuses its attention on any object and not on what it should be concentrating on.

To avoid this, do a good cleaning of your work area, remove everything that can attract attention from the brain and leave only what you need to fulfill your tasks.

The same can be done with the computer desktop. Don’t have hundreds of shortcuts on the screen!


Woman with headache

Anxiety is one of the causes of inattention not only in the office, but also in other areas. Being so worried about what is going to happen in the future does not allow you to focus on the present or enjoy it. 

When to seek help?

If you think that lack of concentration is one of your day-to-day problems, take into account these possible causes that we have exposed to you. So you can request the help of an expert to remedy them and begin to improve your concentration and, of course, your day to day. Cheer up!

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