Why Do You Become A Victim When You Are The Protagonist?

On many occasions, you believe that the world is against you. You think that bad luck hits you without regard and that nobody cares about you. However, you forget that you are the protagonist of your own life.

Taking on the role of a victim can be very comfortable. Settling in the complaint is something that we have learned extremely well. However, with this attitude, it will be difficult for us to move forward.

We will stay there, in a comfort zone that only fuels our belief that there is nothing we can do to change things. In reality, we just have to step forward and start walking. Despite the fears, despite the laziness …

You are the protagonist and you decide how to live your life


Since you are the protagonist of your life, you choose how to experience it. Therefore, when you become a victim, you must bear in mind that this has been your choice.

You have chosen the option that many choose. Perhaps because that way you can be the concern of your relatives. Those close people who love you so much and who will regret your situation.

They will not know that you have chosen to lament, complain, but not move from where you are. Because it is clear that, although life is hard sometimes, if you want, you can get the best version of what happens to you.

Any situation that you can consider negative contains an opportunity. Sometimes, it can be the opportunity to undertake; in others, learn to manage your emotions.

Remember that you are the protagonist, you are designing the life you are experiencing, so, whether you want it or not, you create it.

If you decide to regret a job dismissal, there you. Every time you turn in your resume, your lack of energy and your pessimism will push any new job opportunities out of your way.

However, if you face it in a positive way, as a way to leave a job that you did not like or to look for new companies that allow you to grow and improve yourself, your attitude will be very different from the previous one.

Attitude is everything. A change in attitude can make you see things that were previously covered under a thick layer of fog.

Your attitude will attract what you need

Improve our attitude

If you maintain a positive attitude, you will attract positive things. Although they take a while to appear. Even if you have lost hope, you stay positive.

Think, for example, that a love disappointment has made you pigeonhole every person you like into someone who will ultimately hurt you.

Complaining, generalizing, claiming that all these people are the same will make you repeat the same patterns or that no one appears in your life with whom you can start a beautiful relationship.

On the other hand, if you are positive, if you learn from what happened and do not make past mistakes, on the least expected day you will be able to attract someone you really deserve.

Because you are the protagonist of your life. So everything you think and believe will end up manifesting in the life you experience.

You are not a victim of circumstance


Always remember that you are not a victim of circumstance. Everything that you qualify as negative does not happen to you alone. What’s more, if you talk and meet other people, you will realize that many are worse off than you.

Bad luck is not getting on you. Everything bad doesn’t happen to you. Life has good things and bad things. Do you know the positive part of the most negative? They are the ones we learn the most.

When all goes well, we press the “autopilot” button. However, when everything goes wrong we value what we overlooked. We focus on the present and we can take time to reflect.

Therefore, do not feel like a victim and take the positive part out of everything that happens to you. Because you are the protagonist of your life and reality will be as you want to see it.

If you decide to opt for the role of victim, thousands of opportunities will come to you so that you can feel more and more victim of everything. Your boss, your partner, your health …

But if you choose to become what you are, the protagonist of your life, you will have many opportunities to grow, learn and move forward despite all the problems that you face.

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