World Blood Donor Day: Donating Saves Lives

Every June 14, the whole world celebrates World Blood Donor Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) set the date in honor of the scientist Landsteiner, to reinforce the message of the donation.

Landsteiner was an Austrian biologist who was born on June 14, 1868. He became famous in the scientific field when he discovered how to typify blood groups based on the ABO system. Based on this he received the Nobel Prize in 1930.

A motto is always chosen for World Blood Donor Day, and on this day in 2020 it is “Safe blood for all” . The objective is to raise awareness about the biosafety measures that must be taken to extract, store and transfuse human blood.

We must remember that blood is an element that we cannot manufacture artificially. The only way to administer this substance with its components to someone in need is through donation.

What does it mean to obtain safe blood?

World Blood Donor Day highlights not only the solidarity of those who donate, but also the work of the blood banks that manage the tissue and preserve the samples. The safety of the blood, so that recipient patients are not infected with anything, is key in the process.

A safe blood is one that does not incubate pathogenic microorganisms and that does not contain toxic substances. This includes viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Several decades ago, the transmission of pathogens in donated blood was a major problem. There were cases of hepatitis C and Chagas infections due to the lack of biosafety in transfusions.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, the systems for the control and detection of pathologies in donated blood were improved. Today multiple diseases are tested once the tissue donation is received. Tests are done for hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis, Chagas, and brucellosis.

If a donor’s blood is detected as positive for a disease, it is discarded. At the same time, the protocol indicates to notify the donor to receive the corresponding advice and treatment.

bacteria circulating in the bloodstream

Safe blood is also that which is not marketed

World Blood Donor Day reminds us of the voluntary nature of donation. No one can force us to donate nor should we receive a financial incentive to do so. Marketing of blood donations is prohibited in all countries.

That is why security also depends on the public policies that are implemented to protect the privacy of donors and their integrity. The act must remain voluntary and altruistic, without being subject to payment conditions.

This is difficult in the global economic context. Most blood donations are focused on high-income countries, leaving the rest of the populations with less availability of the tissue, and favoring commercialization.

Who can donate?

Although donation is encouraged throughout the population, there are certain restrictions that apply to take care of the health of those who donate, as well. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of the tissue that is stored, there are groups of people from whom donations are not received, such as health personnel, since they could be incubating a disease due to their profession.

Regarding weight, it is requested that the donor weigh more than 50 kilograms. And in terms of age, it is restricted to people between 18 and 65 years old, for legal reasons and due to possible adverse effects, which, although minimal, tend to appear in the extreme ages.

Over the course of a year, it is suggested that the same person donate no more than 3-4 times. This is based on the red blood cell turnover time, which ranges from 90 days to 3 months. Spacing donations in this way gives the bone marrow enough time to recover.

Generally, it is someone from the health professional team who conducts the initial interview to determine the viability of the donation. If the requirements are met, the donor is admitted.

Patient donating blood

World Blood Donor Day and awareness of saving lives

Although it may seem like a small act, donating blood saves lives. Thanks to the blood tissue banks it is possible to improve the survival of complicated surgeries and to treat congenital hematological diseases.

World Blood Donor Day is about solidarity and recognition of those who, without interest, care about the health of others. We can be donors and help in our geographical area. If we approach a blood bank, they will know how to advise us on this matter.

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